Sid Lejfer, CFO at Hoverstate, will share Hoverstate's journey to improving project & company profitability and discuss with our CFO, Jim French, how IFI’s design to achieving continuous accounting & planning has guided 200+ companies in achieving their goals.
Sid is the Chief Financial Officer for Hoverstate, an IT professional services organization. Sid joined Hoverstate in 2017 after starting, building, and selling two CRM consulting firms to venture-backed organizations. In addition, Sid has over 25 years of experience as a CRM consulting executive, with extensive background experience in financial services, life sciences, and high-tech industries.
Jim is a finance and operations executive experienced in digital transformation specific to the streamlining of operations by using modern software capabilities to deliver single-source-of-the-truth information output. Leveraging his public accounting, operations and software experiences Jim has designed and used best-in-class back-office cloud based systems to funnel operational and financial information as part of daily business activities to capture, process and report on key financial and operational matrices.
With a proven track record, Jim has helped organizations in commercial construction and engineering professional services successfully achieve digital transformation that supported their growth plans. His philosophy is to always start with the end-in-mind and make sure your first initiative solves a short-term. Along the way, streamlining operations using software so that financial and operational data are cubed and ready for mining without data manipulation.
Read our blog on the Continuous Planning Maturity Journey
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